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What to eat before and after working out. Read below!

If you’re exercising for general health and fitness, then the guidelines below will work for most 👌.


🟢 Eat 1 to 2 hours before working out

🟢 Eat protein to help maintain and build muscle, and to reduce muscle damage

🟢 Eat healthy carbs to help fuel training and preserve glycogen

🟢 Eat a small amount of fat to maintain blood glucose and insulin levels

‼️If you have to eat within an hour of working out, a liquid meal might be a good choice since there’s limited time for digestion.


🟢 Eat 0 to 2 hours after working out

🟢 Eat protein to help maintain and build muscle, and to reduce muscle damage

🟢 Eat healthy carbs to help restore lost glycogen

🟢 Eat a small amount of fat to maintain blood glucose and insulin levels

‼️If you don’t typically feel hungry after working out, choose a liquid meal to make sure you get the nutrients your body needs to recover properly.

Keep in mind, you have about one to two hours on both sides of your training to get in your recommended nutrients for maximal benefits 👊

While nutrient timing does have some benefits, recent data shows that the total amount of protein and carbs consumed throughout the day is far more important for lean mass gain, fat loss, and performance improvements 💪



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